Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The present Legal Notice regulates the access, navigation, and use of the current website: (hereinafter, the 'Website').

1. Information about the Holder

In compliance with the duty of information collected in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we provide the following details of the owner of the Website:

Antonio José González Abalo “Charcuterías Seco” - NIF: 44806673M
Address: Area Central, local 23-15707 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Contact: Tel. 981 / 981560205

2. User

Access to and/or use of the Website grants you the status of User, and you accept, from such access and/or use, this Legal Notice, as well as each and every one of the conditions and restrictions that are published on the Website at the time you access it.

Access to the Website and/or the use of any of the services included in it will imply acceptance of all terms of use. CHARCUTERIA SECO reserves the right to unilaterally modify the Website and the services offered on it, including the modification of the terms of use. In that case, it will previously notify the User. Users are advised to read this Legal Notice each time they access the Website.

3. Conditions for use of the Website

The Website may provide access to a multitude of texts, graphics, drawings, codes, software, images, expressions, and information (hereinafter, "Contents") belonging to CHARCUTERIA SECO or third parties to which the User may have access.

The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Website. Such responsibility extends to the registration that, if necessary, may be required to access the Contents and services offered by the Website. The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the Contents offered through the Website and by way of example, but not limited to, the following is prohibited:

(i) The use of the Website or any of its services and/or contents for illegal purposes or effects, contrary to good faith, public order or established in the conditions of this Website;

(ii) Any harmful use of third party rights or interests or that, in any way, hinder the normal use of the Website and/or its services by other Users or cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the owner of the Website or third parties;

(iii) Introducing or spreading viruses on the network or any other physical or logical systems that are capable of causing the aforementioned damage.

CHARCUTERIA SECO reserves the right to investigate and report any of the mentioned behaviors in accordance

4. Exclusion of warranties and liability.

4.a) Exclusion of warranties and liability for the operation of the Website.

CHARCUTERIA SECO has taken necessary measures that, within its capabilities and the state of technology, allow the correct operation of its Website, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, given the nature of technology and telecommunications, CHARCUTERIA SECO cannot guarantee the permanent correct operation of the Website, therefore, it will not assume any responsibility in this regard.

CHARCUTERIA SECO also cannot guarantee the usefulness of the Website and/or its services for the performance of any particular activity, its infallibility, nor that the User can use the Website or the services offered at all times.

CHARCUTERIA SECO may temporarily suspend and without prior notice, the accessibility to the Website for maintenance, repair, updating, or improvement operations and is authorized to make as many technical modifications as necessary to improve the quality, performance, efficiency of the system and its connection. However, whenever circumstances allow, CHARCUTERIA SECO will notify the User, with sufficient advance notice, of the scheduled date for the suspension of the services.

4.b) Exclusion of warranties and liability for the Contents.

CHARCUTERIA SECO cannot guarantee the suitability of the Contents included on the Website for the particular purposes of those who access it. Therefore, both the access to such Website and the use that may be made of the information and Contents included in it are carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the User,
so CHARCUTERIA SECO will not be liable in any case for any possible damages arising from the misuse of the information and Contents accessible on the Website.

4.c) Exclusion of warranties and liability for links to other pages.

The Website may allow the User to access other web pages through links. CHARCUTERIA SECO assumes no responsibility for links to other websites found on the Website, which could lead the User to other websites over which CHARCUTERIA SECO has no control. CHARCUTERIA SECO does not endorse nor is it responsible for the content of linked websites, nor does it guarantee the legality, accuracy, truthfulness, and reliability of the information they include. The existence of a link will not imply the existence of a relationship of any kind between CHARCUTERIA SECO and the owner of the linked site, so the User accesses the content and the terms of use governing them at their own risk. CHARCUTERIA SECO will not have any liability for violations or damages caused to the User or third parties by the content of the websites linked from this Website.

5. Duration and modification

The conditions that are published at the moment when the User accesses the Website are considered in force. CHARCUTERIA SECO may delete, add or change the contents of this Legal Notice. In case of any change, it will be communicated to the User. The access and/or use of the Website will be understood as an acceptance by the User of the conditions of this Legal Notice and, if applicable, the changes made to them.

6. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The present General Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish Laws. The parties submit, for the resolution of conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the seller's domicile.

In pursuance of the Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, concerning online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, Charcutería Seco also informs you that, in case of controversy, the Resident User of the European Union may go to the "Online Platform for Conflict Resolution" that the European Commission has developed, with aims to try to resolve extrajudicially any controversy arising from the provision of services by Charcutería Seco.

To access the "Online Platform for Conflict Resolution" you can do so through the following link:

In any case, Charcutería Seco certifies to the User that it has a Claim Sheet through which you can submit any complaint or claim in relation to the services provided by Charcutería Seco.